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Announcement of self acceptance of environmental protection upon completion of 1100t / a copper alloy precision casting project of Baoding Liyuan copper parts manufacturing Co., Ltd

AddTime:2020-04-30 09:09:02   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

On October 27, 2017, Baoding Liyuan copper parts manufacturing Co., Ltd. organized the completion acceptance meeting of "1100t / a copper alloy precision casting project" in Qingyuan District, Baoding city. The acceptance team was composed of the construction unit (Baoding Liyuan copper parts manufacturing Co., Ltd.), the preparation unit of environmental impact report (Zhangjiakou Zhengde Geological Survey Technology Service Co., Ltd.), acceptance monitoring and acceptance monitoring report The representative of the preparation unit (Hebei Jinyao environmental testing Co., Ltd.), environmental protection facility design unit (Hebei Xingruida environmental protection equipment Co., Ltd.) and three technical experts were informed. The acceptance team reviewed and verified the implementation of environmental protection during the construction and operation period of the project. After careful study and discussion, the acceptance opinions were formed. Now the project acceptance report and acceptance opinions are publicized 。


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